Charitable Giving: A Step to Bridge Societal Gap

Food, clothes, and shelter are the basics of a healthy and sustainable life. But why are we talking about these basics when the world has reached the moon? Is this still an important topic in a world where everyone has a smart phone and plastic cards for transactions? You will be shocked to know that two-thirds of India’s population is still living below the poverty line. It’s a sad reality that economic disparity is making the rich richer and the poor poorer.

The Problem

According to statistics, 30% of India’s population is extremely poor and struggles to make ends meet. Despite consistent efforts from the government and NGOs, the fight for survival has not been easy for the weaker sections of society. Poverty impacts families in a lot of ways and leads to hardship in life. High infant mortality, malnutrition, lack of education, and child labor are some of the direct implications faced by the poor.

Besides this, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to the loss of many jobs in unorganized sectors. Construction workers, house helpers, guards, and other daily wage workers lost their employment, and their situation worsened in a span of two years. The ground reality is heart-breaking and requires joint effort from the government, NGOs, and society.

So, how can you help eradicate poverty?

The Solution

As a responsible citizen, it’s our responsibility to extend support to non-employee families in the country. Here are some of the easy ways to help poor families and children:

Donate Money to an NGO

Many fundraising platforms are collecting donations for the poor throughout the year. You can donate money to ngo, which are working day in and day out to eradicate poverty. Donating to the poor not only helps the recipient but also gives a sense of satisfaction to the giver.

Donate Food or Clothes

Another way to help those who live on the streets and lack basic resources is to provide them with food, clothing, and other supplies. It can provide them with much-needed relief from their daily struggles.

Provide Employment

If you are in a position to provide employment to a poor person, you should do so. It will not only help them to escape the cycle of poverty but also help their family to live a sustainable life with financial stability.

Poverty is one of the greatest evils in society. It can only be defeated with collaborative effort and by helping the needy.

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